Unlock a life of fulfillment! Step into your true potential!

Life is a matter of choices. You can choose either to be a victim of your own circumstances or a creator of your reality.

Komplexnější péče – Institut zdraví a prevence

Klienti po mně chtěli komplexnější práci, tak jsem spoluzaložila Institut zdraví a prevence (IZAP). Pokud vidíte přínos v podobě Frekvennčí psychoterapie, tak se podívejte i na IZAP. Péče je komplexnější díky spolupráci s doktorkami a Frekvenční psychoterapie je její nedílnou součástí.

What is Frequency Psychotherapy?

Unikátní terapeutický systém, který dokáže dát vašemu životu zcela nový rozměr. Je vytvořený na základě 13 let mých poznatků, zkušeností a více než tisícovky terapií. Efektivně řeší příčiny problémů všeho druhu, navrací duševní pohodu, zdraví, sílu a odkrývá váš netušený potenciál.

My typical clients

I work with children, teenagers, and adults both Czech and English-speaking. For anyone who is not satisfied with life and wants to move forward.


Whether you are limited by physical or mental problems, family or school issues, together we will find a way out.

It is okay to feel bad sometimes and don’t know how to deal with it, but why dwell on these feelings it long-term?

Zuzana Čechová – úvodní stránka - teenagers fotka

I came to Zuzana to deal with an eating disorder. My mom was helpless and did not know what to do with me anymore. Therefore she decided to give this kind of therapy a chance. To be honest, I did not believe this could help. Although I was skeptical, the therapy helped me to move forward. After 6 months, my weight was restored and my appetite was back again. No matter what you are dealing with and how old you are, I would recommend this therapy to everybody.

⁠Valentýna Veselá

Zuzana Čechová – úvodní stránka - dospělí fotka


Let go of old traumas, pain, behavioral patterns, attitudes, and negative thoughts. Discover who you really are and start living a fulfilled life.

Would you like to move forward in your life and don’t know how?

I came with a wish to change my life for the better. I wanted to solve my relationship problems, limiting fears, and understand why my child keeps wetting herself. The therapy helped me uncover more than I could have ever imagined. Although I have come so far, there is still a long way to go. I must say that my life has changed a lot. I am not that emotionally reactive, and my thoughts and attitudes are changing. I would recommend this kind of therapy to anyone who wants to move their life forward, whether it be relationship problems, traumas, or important unanswered life questions.

⁠Eliška N.

Zuzana Čechová – úvodní stránka - o mně fotka

It is not about how many times you fall, but how many times you get back up.

Lékařská diagnóza – chronická se stala impulsem životní změny a nalezení vlastní cesty k uzdravení. Nestala jsem se manažerkou v korporátu, ale terapeutkou. Je to 13 let, co pracuji se skutečnými příčinami a souvislostmi problémů. Jsem přesvědčena, že cesta v životě existuje vždy. A já miluju být svědkem vašich proměn a životních posunů.

Contact me

Are you uncertain whether this kind of therapy is suitable for you? Please feel free to give me a call. I will answer all you need to know before you decide!

+420 604 691 172