
Do you still experience the same recurring negative situations?

Are you working on yourselves but without expected results?

Are you tired of just surviving and fulfilling everyday tasks?

Do you have everything you need but are still not happy?

Results of therapy

My clients achieve personal growth and become their authentic selves. After several sessions, they get their life back into a balanced state, experience inner peace, and enjoy life on a deeper and more satisfying level which results in health improvement and energy boost. They understand themselves better, enjoy more fulfilling relationships, improve their communication skills and easily express their needs. Moreover, they are more courageous, happier, and able to stay on top of things.

Women rediscover the beauty of femininity and learn to work with their newfound feminine magic. Men then return to their masculine essence, become strongpoint partners and fulfill their goals with determination. It so happens that I witness a quantum shift in client´s consciousness and development of their higher abilities.

Zuzana Čechová – Dospělí fotka

What I help my clients with

To start attracting more desirable circumstances into your life, you need to disconnect from dysfunctional patterns, negative emotions, thoughts, and limiting beliefs that you took over from your parents and the social system. You must get rid of your old childhood traumas and negative experiences from growing up.

Společně rozplétáme jednotlivé nitky vašich osudů, ve všech souvislostech, a to s ohledem na zátěže rodové a karmické.

Like an onion, we peel the layers one by one to see the whole picture behind the problem and the real you. Only then can you experience self-growth and improve your quality of life. With the techniques that you learn here with me, you will be able to work with yourselves and cope with every situation even when I am not around.

Adults look for help
for example with

Physical problems

  • acute or chronic pain, migraine
  • excess weight
  • cancer
  • inflammations
  • attention span, focus, and memory
  • accidents
  • fatigue
  • conception
  • insomnia

Mental and emotional problems

  • short or long-term stress, fear, stage fright
  • mood shifts, irritability, depressive symptoms
  • destructive behavior patterns
  • burnouts
  • low self-esteem
  • grievance, anxiety
  • miscarriage and birth trauma
  • abuse and sexual assault
  • phobias, addictions, and obsessions
  • clingings
  • victim mentality
  • suicidal feelings


  • building healthy relationships
  • improving communication skills

Please feel free to give me a call to see if I can help you