Here is what my clients say about working with me.

Read the testimonials of clients I have worked with over the years. Read about how their lives have changed and what they say about our mutual cooperation.

Radka needed to deal with family problems

Radka was emotionally and mentally overwhelmed, which had a negative impact on her physical body. I helped her get rid of all conscious and unconscious limitations and programs that were weighing her down all her life. The relationships in her family improved, she finally began to understand her woman’s needs. On top of that, she developed extrasensory perception and began to perceive the energies around her. It made her see the world from a different perspective. Through intensive work on herself, Radka has literally become a new person. It is great to see how she inspires and changes the lives of others now.

Radka Macháčková (64 years old)

One day, out of the blue, Zuzana Čechová came into my life. I hoped that she could guide me to explore my deeper SELF on my infinite journey. Although I did not understand the desire that was pushing me forward, it was stronger than me. When I saw Zuzana for the first time, I was sure I found the right person.

I was feeling that I could fully open up to her within minutes after meeting.

Together we have walked a two-year journey. I feel that I am moving to the unknown at a high speed. The closer I am, the more familiar the unknown seems to me. Getting rid of all negative behavioral patterns is hard work. You must literally step out of the cage our relatives have started to form around us before we first saw the light of day.

I am a technician and believe me or not, the therapy system is easy to understand. Suddenly you realize that you have stopped having problems, that you overcame pettiness and left your past behind. You are simply in the here and now….

I would recommend therapy with Zuzana Čechová to those who are willing to work on themselves and do not rely on someone else to do the job. To all who want more from life than what the current trend indicates. However, close cooperation with the therapist and with yourself is a must.

But believe me - it is really worth the results!

I helped Martin with low self-esteem and relationship problems

Martin was very desperate and clueless. He needed to realize that going against his own values is what hurt him most. I helped him release emotions, pain, and traumatic memories that were stuck in his body from his teens. And very shortly after that, his life began to unfold exactly as he had hoped for. He left the therapy as a confident man who was able to communicate his needs much better and knew exactly what he wanted from life and how to go about it.

Ing. Martin Blažek (26 years old)

Everyone has gone through a difficult period when nothing simply worked out. At that time I was really on the verge of depression and I was very skeptical about this kind of therapy. I did not believe that a similar method could help me. But I decided to give it a try. And I was really surprised how she helped me overcome the difficulties I was going through at that time.
 The results truly exceeded my expectations!

My relationships with other people improved, I regained my self-confidence, and began to enjoy life again.

I would definitely recommend this therapy to anyone who is feeling down or is caught up in a vicious cycle.

I helped Valentýna overcome an eating disorder

Valentýna came to me as a shy teenage girl who was suffering from anorexia. To rebuild her lost confidence, she needed to understand the reason behind the problem. She managed to free herself from emotional pain and suffering and after several sessions, her appetite was back. There was a sparkle in her eyes again. With the wonderful support of her parents, Valentýna’s weight restored after 6 months.

Valentýna Veselá (14 years old)

I came to deal with an eating disorder. My mom was helpless and did not know what to do with me anymore. Therefore she decided to give this kind of therapy a chance. To be honest, I did not believe this could help. Although I was skeptical, the therapy helped me move forward. After 6 months, my weight restored and my appetite was back again.

No matter what you are dealing with and how old you are, I would recommend this therapy to everybody.

Read more testimonials

I had long-lasting upper and lower back pain. Although I had no expectations, the diagnosis and overall process surprised me. I realized that I was feeling mentally overwhelmed for an extended period of time and this caused all of the physical symptoms. The therapy was 100% successful.
I managed to get rid of the neck and back pain I was suffering from for more than a year. I would definitely recommend Zuzana to those who struggle with chronic pain and other issues and also in cases where conventional medicine has failed.

Karel Knesl (38 years old)

I came with a wish to change my life for the better. I wanted to solve my relationship problems, limiting fears, and understand why my child keeps wetting herself. The therapy helped me uncover more than I could have ever imagined. Although I have come so far, there is still a long way to go. I must say that my life has changed a lot. I am not that emotionally reactive, and my thoughts and attitudes are changing. I would recommend this kind of therapy to everyone who wants to move their life forward, whether it be relationship problems, traumas, or important life questions to ask.

Eliška N. (40 years old)

I stopped listening to my emotions, my body, and myself. I stopped acting on how I was feeling. The reason was that I was living too much for my child and completely suppressed my own needs. I literally forgot about myself..
Zuzana listened to me carefully and helped me identify the core issue. She was leading me sensitively and gently and managed to reveal even more than I had told her. She helped me clear the physical and energetic blockages and showed me how to look at things from a different perspective. Moreover, Zuzana taught me a few techniques on how to work with myself on a daily basis.
The next day after the therapy, new thoughts resonated with me. I naturally started thinking about the feelings I had during the day. I learned to distinguish between what I really want to do and what I do just because others require it. I started focusing on things I really want and prioritizing them.
I would recommend this therapy to those who are feeling confused, lost, or inferior in their life, cannot find themselves, and those whose problems, emotions, and thoughts of the past are holding them back. This therapy is a great choice for all who want to work on themselves, get rid of the old burdens, and move forward towards a happier life.

Pavla M. (28 years old)

I started this therapy because of my health problems. I wanted to understand what it is behind them and how it is connected to my past lives. The therapy helped me both mentally and physically. I was feeling much better, had less difficulty in walking, my joint pain eased and my health improved. It gave me a chance to work more on myself and exercise more without being so tired after that. Moreover, it helped me get rid of fears, improve relationships and experience spiritual growth. I would recommend the therapy to people who have any physical, mental, or spiritual problems.

Pavel B. (35 years old)

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