What is Frequency Psychotherapy?

Frekvenční psychoterapie je unikátní terapeutický systém vytvořený na základě 13 let mých poznatků, zkušeností a více než tisícovky terapií. Metoda vychází z předpokladu, že naše tělo funguje jako biologický počítač, do kterého se ukládají všechny naše zážitky, myšlenky, emoce i duševní stavy. Aby došlo k posunu a k vyřešení problému, je nutné váš zavirovaný počítač vyčistit a nahrát do něj nové, zdravé programy.

Read the story about how this therapy system was created.

The results of the Frequency Psychotherapy process

After the treatment, the clients are more resilient to stress, have more energy, higher self-esteem, and the ability to see life in a broader context. They can experience the power of freedom of choice again.
Frequency Psychotherapy is suitable for kids, teenagers, and adults both Czech and English speaking. If you want to make changes in your life and you are also willing to do something for it, grab this opportunity!

The therapy helped me uncover more than I could have ever imagined. I must say that my life has changed immensely. I am not that emotionally reactive, and my thoughts and attitudes are changing. I would recommend this kind of therapy to…

The therapy procedure

Zuzana Čechová – Frekvenční psychoterapie fotka

The initial interview with the client and goal-setting (20-30 mins). We will have a short talk over a cup of tea and you will explain what brings you in and what you want to get out of it. This is the time for answering all your questions and also getting to know each other better. After this, you will have a clear idea about how this therapy technique works and what our time together can bring you.

The initial diagnosis uses muscle testing, in which I apply gentle pressure on your arms.

Your muscles allow to access to your body's whole-system memory (not just the conscious mind). This technique will reveal which life events affected you most and what to focus on primarily.

Then, we start peeling the layers of the onion one by one. The goal is to see the whole picture behind the problem.

To begin attracting more desirable circumstances into your life, you need to disconnect from non-functional patterns, negative emotions, thoughts, and all that discourages you from living a fulfilled life.

What problems I help my clients with

Acute problems

Clients come with problems that are severe in the moment but do not last very long. It can be acute pain (see how Karel managed to eliminate upper and lower back pain), different traumas, stage fright, or inability to break through the crossroad in life. Usually, 1 or 2 sessions are enough to solve the issue.

Long-term problems

These are difficulties people have been experiencing for a long time – the way they live, how they think, and how they approach life. These are also long-term effects of stress, anxiety, health problems, etc. Regardless, working with a teenager or an adult, these topics require more sessions and an active cooperation of the client with the therapist.

Unlocking your full potential and gifts

What am I like? Before embarking on a path of self-discovery, it is advised to free yourself from existing burdens, limiting beliefs, negative emotions and thoughts. Then we can set out to discover your gifts, high potential, and the secret that is hidden in your DNA. This journey requires long-term cooperation with me and it is the client’s decision to start working on self-improvement (see how Radka changed her life)..